An Informed Development Decision
Recently, MZE was working with a Developer by assisting them with the feasibility of a potential investment in a Downtown property.
Part of the service that MZE provides our Developer Clients is an opportunity to establish their conceptual vision for a project, and then provide the preliminary analysis necessary to assist them in evaluating the financial viability. Not so coincidentally, the long history of MZE includes over one-hundred years of projects in our archives, including the original drawings for this 1950s building. One method of generating some quick excitement about a proposed project is to collect some precedent images of other projects that we think might best represent the design intension and have our Client confirm which qualities of the examples presented they preferred. Once we have established a design direction, we can then overlay the proposed building programmatic and space requirements on the actual site to determine if it is a suitable fit. Planning and zoning bylaws place many conditions on a property that have to be researched and interpreted in the context of the proposed development to determine impacts on building size and shape. Unfortunately, in this example the site did not meet their requirements, so the Developer will be looking elsewhere for other opportunities. With a small investment in MZE’s professional expertise, the Developers were able to make a better informed business decision with the benefit of the preliminary information that we were able to provide. This is how we can help people do business.